How to Calculate the Percentage

Calculating the Percentage is a very essential operation in various aspects nowadays. The percentage calculation is the main & also an integral part of mathematical operations to be performed. ‘How to Calculate the Percentage?’ is a highly demanded query asked for the sake of simplifying mathematical procedures. We are well equipped with the solutions for … Read more

How To Delete Facebook Account

Facebook is a popular social media platform. Further, it helps to stay connected with your beloved ones. Nowadays, it has become one of the best social media platforms on a global level. Using this social networking site has several pros and cons from the user’s point of view. Moreover, Facebook has made its benchmark by … Read more

How to Delete a Gmail Account

Gmail is a free type of emailing service by Google. Google has developed it. Users can make Gmail an effective tool on a global level with the use of the web. ‘How to Delete a Gmail Account?’ is a typical problem faced by users worldwide. Providing detail & thorough information regarding the same is our … Read more

How To Calculate BMI?


Body Mass Indicator (BMI) Long-form of BMI is Body Mass Indicator. Body Mass Indicator (BMI) is a measurement of a person’s weight type. With the help of a person’s height and weight, we can calculate BMI. It is an indicator to measure if a person is underweight or overweight. The indicator tells us if the … Read more

How To Delete Instagram Account

Instagram is a social media platform, which helps you share your photos online. There are many advantages and disadvantages of the platform, depending on your point of view. Hence, many people were requesting How To Delete Instagram Account. So, here’s the tutorial. Delete Instagram Account It was the most requested question for our team. We … Read more

How to Get Rid of Weevils

Weevils are small beetle. Further, they nourish the food items like rice, flour, grain, etc. They create unnecessary suffering for you. So, it is very essential to get rid of the. But, many of us don’t know ‘How to Get Rid of Weevils?’. Taking this very important topic into account, we are here for you. We … Read more