How to See When Apps Access Your Camera and Microphone on Android

Android is a very useful & efficient operating system for mobiles. Further, you can access the various application with their characteristic features. In addition, there are many benefits to its use in your work. So, you should make use of this system properly. Many applications use a camera & microphone. But, you are unaware of … Read more

How to Connect Google Sheets with Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is a very fascinating tool Microsoft. Further, you can make excellent documents with this application. In addition, there is a facility to connect ‘Google Sheets’ with it. ‘Google Sheets’ is also a very useful application for users. It is necessary to take a backup of the files every time. So, it is essential … Read more

How to Install Ungoogled Chromium on Windows 10

Windows 10 operating system is a very powerful system. Further, it provides many characteristics to users. In addition, there are various facilities available through it. So, it is possible to make its better use. Ungoogled Chromium is an alternative to Google Chrome. It is an open-source software feature. Moreover, it possesses some disadvantages too. Many … Read more

How to Use the CHOOSE Function in Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is an excellent feature by Microsoft. Further, you will have many beneficial results with it. In addition, you can create very effective documents with this. There are various functions available in Excel. Moreover, CHOOSE function is also a very efficient function to use. You will get many advantages with its application. But, many … Read more

How to Disable Windows Mobility Center in Windows 10

Windows 10 operating system is very useful for users. Further, it provides many benefits. You can get a for better functionality. In addition, this system helps users to get efficient outcomes. There is also a facility of Windows Mobility Center. It gives access to users for controlling many features. These are the features like battery … Read more