Microsoft Excel is an excellent feature by Microsoft. Further, you will have many beneficial results with it. In addition, you can create very effective documents with this. There are various functions available in Excel. Moreover, CHOOSE function is also a very efficient function to use. You will get many advantages with its application. But, many users don’t know ‘How to Use the CHOOSE Function in Microsoft Excel?’. Don’t worry at all. We are here for you people. Thus, you will get here thorough information. We are trying our best to throw a piece of quality information. You can apply it to your system. We are sure about its benefits for you. We have also covered the article on ‘How to use the DPRODUCT function in Microsoft Excel. Thus, let’s have a look at ‘How to Use the CHOOSE Function in Microsoft Excel?’.
Table of Contents
How to Use the CHOOSE Function in Microsoft Excel?
CHOOSE function is useful for choosing a value from a list of given values. So, with the help of this function, you can get a position-based value. Moreover, when you combine this function with others, you will get better results. We are delivering here a tutorial on ‘How to Use the CHOOSE Function in Microsoft Excel?’. There are many advantages to this feature. So, you should go for it. On the other end, we expect your enthusiastic involvement in this. Thus, let’s start this amazing journey.
The CHOOSE function formula: CHOOSE(index_num, value 1, [value 2]..)
index_num: The value to choose
value 1: The first value to choose
value 2: The second value to choose
Process Used to Use the CHOOSE Function in Microsoft Excel
There is a certain process for this purpose. It is necessary to follow the steps provided below.
1 ) Open Microsoft Excel
The very first thing you should do is to open Microsoft Excel. Let’s suppose, there is a table of plants. You want to find which value comes at number 3.

So, select the cell to display the result. Now, enter
=CHOOSE(3, “Tree,” “Cactus,” “Bulbs”)
Here, 3 is the index_num as well as the position. Moreover, trees, cactus & Bulbs are the values of the set.
2 ) Press the ‘Enter’ Key
After that, press the ‘Enter’ key to view the result. So, you can see the result in the specified box.

3 ) Choosing the ‘CHOOSE’ Function In a Different Way
There is another way for choosing the ‘CHOOSE’ function. For that, click on the ‘fx’ option from the list of various options available. Then a ‘Select function’ window will appear. From the ‘Select a Category section’, choose the ‘Lookup and Reference’ option. Then, select the ‘CHOOSE’ function from the ‘Select a Function’ list. Click on the ‘OK’ button on the downward side of the window.

4 ) Function Arguments Window Display
In addition to the above step, a ‘Function Arguments’ window will display here. So, you should enter the specified values in the respective sections properly.

Section & Value
Index_num: 3
Value 1: Tree
Value 2: Cactus
Value 3: Bulb
Then, click on the OK’ option.
In this way, following the above-mentioned steps, you can use the CHOOSE function in Microsoft Excel.