How to Use the DPRODUCT Function in Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is a very effective & useful tool by Microsoft. Further, you can access it to perform various operations. In addition, you can make useful documents with the help of Excel. Moreover, there is a facility for using the DPRODUCT function. It is a very useful function to have better results. but, many users don’t know ‘How to use the DPRODUCT function in Microsoft Excel?’. Taking this very important point, we are here for you. We are here with detailed information regarding the same. You can apply it to your system also. This will give you expected outcomes. We have also covered the article on ‘How to Use the CHOOSE Function in Microsoft Excel‘. So, let’s have a look at ‘How to use the DPRODUCT function in Microsoft Excel?’.

How to use the DPRODUCT function in Microsoft Excel

It returns the product of values from a set of records that match the criteria. Moreover, there are the following terms used in the formula. So, let’s define them here.

The formula for the DPRODUCT function

DPRODUCT (database, field, criteria)

Database: The range of cells that makes up the list.

Field: It indicates which column is used in the function.

Criteria: The range of cells that consists of the conditions that you mention.

You should learn the thorough process regarding this operation. So, we are delivering here a tutorial ‘How to use the DPRODUCT function in Microsoft Excel?’. We assure you that this information will help you in many ways. On the other hand, you should be ready to grab this opportunity. Thus, let’s start this amazing journey.

Process Used to use the DPRODUCT function in Microsoft Excel

There is a certain process available for this purpose. You should follow the steps given below to perform this operation.

1 ) Open the Microsoft Excel

The very first thing you should do is to open Microsoft Excel.

How to Use the DPRODUCT Function in Microsoft Excel step 1
Image Source: thewindowsclub

Now, choose the cell from the page where you display the result. Then, enter

DPRODUCT (A1:D8, C1, A11:D12)

A1:D8 – Database consisting of cell range

C1 – Column for indicating the field used

A11:D12 – The range of cells specifying the condition

2 ) Press the ‘Enter’ Key

After that, press the ‘Enter’ key to view the final result. So, you will be able to see the result in the box.

pressing the enter key window
Image Source: thewindowsclub

3 ) Specifying the Condition

In addition to the above step, enter the condition ‘>100’ to find the laptop quantity which is greater than 100. So, the result will be ‘200’.

condition specifying in the Excel
Image Source: thewindowsclub

4 ) Insert Function Window Display

Then, the insert function window will display here. Moreover, select the ‘DPRODUCT’ option in the field of the ‘Search for function’ segment & click on the ‘Go’ menu in front of that. Then, choose the ‘DPRODUCT’ option in the ‘Select a Function field’ on the window. Further, click on the ‘Ok’ button on the downward side of the window.

inserting function window
Image Source: thewindowsclub

5 ) ‘Function Arguments’ Window Display

Then, the ‘Function Arguments’ window will display.

Function Arguments Window
Image Source: thewindowsclub

Sections & Values

Database – A1:D8
Field – C1
Criteria – A11:D12

Then, click on the ‘OK’ button on the downward side of the window.

In this way, following the above-mentioned steps, you can use the DPRODUCT function in Microsoft Excel.

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