Windows 10 is one of the famous operating systems in today’s era. Further, it is rich in delivering fine features. In addition, users will get many advantages with its application. Sometimes, there is a need for video resizing for many purposes. Thus, you can do this operation with the help of FFmpeg. Many users don’t know ‘How to Resize a Video Using Command-line in Windows 10 with FFmpeg?’. You should not worry about it. You can rely on us. We are here with a fantastic information bundle for you people. You will get some impressive results with its application. We have also covered the article on ‘How to Install FFmpeg on Windows. So, let’s take a ride at ‘How to Resize a Video Using Command-line in Windows 10 with FFmpeg?’.
Table of Contents
How to Resize a Video Using Command-line in Windows 10 with FFmpeg?
FFmpeg is open-source software for video and audio processing. In addition, it is free for Windows 10. Moreover, you can take action regarding the size of the video, aspect ratio & resolution. You only need to provide a proper command for these activities. So, the command is going to play a vital role in this process. We are delivering a tutorial on ‘How to Resize a Video Using Command-line in Windows 10 with FFmpeg?’. This comprehensive data will surely satisfy you with its outcomes. So, prepare your mind to grab this opportunity. Let’s start this wonderful journey.
Process Used For This Purpose
There is a specific process available for this purpose. So, simply follow the steps given below to do so.
1 ) Visting the Site
The very first thing you should do is to visit the official FFmpeg website. ( So, visit the site for further operations.

2 ) Downloading Updated FFmpeg
After that, choose the latest & updated FFmpeg software. Then, download it for operational purposes. Further, download it to the suitable folder & extract it there.

3 ) Move to the Sub-folder
Now, you should go towards the sub-folder where there is an FFmpeg.exe file that exists. Moreover, it is generally situated in the bin folder of the main folder. So, do provide the path according to this operation point of view. Go for it.

4 ) Add the ‘cmd’ command
Moving ahead, you should add the ‘cmd’ command in the address bar available on the upper side of the window. So, type this command & then press the Enter key. This will lead to opening the Command Prompt Window.

5 ) Adding Command
Then, provide the following command in the window displayed.
ffmpeg -i <source video> -vf scale=<width>:<height> <output video>
One thing you should look for is about the <source video> & <output video>. So, provide the complete path for the videos you are going to add there. In addition, you should also put the proper dimensions in the field of <width> & <height>. So, do the same.

6 ) Adding New Command
Let’s take the video for resizing purposes. So, add the following command in the Command Prompt Window. Then, press the Enter key for executing the operation.
ffmpeg -i C:\acc-video.avi -vf scale=620:340 C:\acc-video.mp4
This will lead to the resizing operation. So, the process starts immediately. It takes time according to the length of your video provided. So, just wait for it to complete properly.

In this way, following the above-mentioned steps, you can fulfill the operation.