Olivia Cooke Interesting Facts, Age, Biography & FAQ

Olivia Cooke Interesting Facts: Olivia Cooke Is Also Known As [‘Оливия Кук’, ‘올리비아 쿡’, ‘Olivia Kate Cooke’].

Olivia Kate Cooke (born December 27, 1993) is an English actress known for her lead role as Emma Decody in the A&E drama thriller Bates Motel (2013–2017) and Becky Sharp in the period drama miniseries Vanity Fair (2018). She has also starred in the horror film Ouija (2014), the comedy-drama film Me and Earl and the Dying Girl (2015), the period horror mystery film The Limehouse Golem (2016), the thriller film Thoroughbreds (2017), the sci

Olivia Cooke
(Source: TMDB)
Birth Date / Birthday1993-12-27
People Also Call[‘Оливия Кук’, ‘올리비아 쿡’, ‘Olivia Kate Cooke’]
Best Known ForActing
Birth PlaceOldham, Greater Manchester, England, UK

You can also check “Some Interesting Olivia Cooke Facts

Olivia Cooke Biography Details

Olivia Cooke is an English actress who is known for her roles in the films “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl” and “The Quiet Ones”. She has also appeared on the television series “Bates Motel “

Some Interesting Facts About Olivia Cooke

Frequently Asked Questions About Olivia Cooke

Here is the list of some FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) with Answers. Please go through it to get a better idea about the person (Olivia Cooke). If you still have any queries then feel free to ask us in the comment section below.

1. What is Olivia Cooke’s net worth?

Answer: Olivia Cooke’s net worth is estimated to be around $3 million and has earned her wealth through her successful acting career, which has appeared in a number of popular films and television shows.

2. What is Olivia Cooke’s ethnicity?

Answer: Olivia Cooke is of English and Irish descent.

3. What is Olivia Cooke’s height?

Answer: Olivia Cooke is 5’8″ tall.

4. What is Olivia Cooke’s shoe size?

Answer: Olivia Cooke’s shoe size is 7.

5. What is Olivia Cooke’s natural hair color?

Answer: Olivia Cooke’s natural hair color is brown.

6. What is Olivia Cooke’s eye color?

Answer: Olivia Cooke has blue eyes.

7. What is Olivia Cooke’s zodiac sign?

Answer: Olivia Cooke was born on November 27, which makes her zodiac sign Sagittarius.

8. Who is Olivia Cooke’s boyfriend?

Answer: Olivia Cooke’s boyfriend is the actor Christopher Abbott, whom the couple met in 2013 while filming the film “The Quiet Ones” and have been together ever since. Abbott is known for his roles in the HBO series “Girls” and the movie “It Comes at Night “.

9. Is Olivia Cooke single?

Answer: There is no definitive answer to this question, as Cooke’s relationship status is not publicly known; however based on the lack of public information about her dating life, it is safe to assume she is currently single.

10. What is Olivia Cooke’s Instagram handle?

Answer: Olivia Cooke Instagram handle is @olivia.cooke.

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