Miles Teller Interesting Facts, Age, Biography & FAQ

Miles Teller Interesting Facts: Miles Teller Is Also Known As [‘마일즈 텔러’, ‘迈尔斯·特勒’].

Miles Alexander Teller (born February 20, 1987 in Downingtown, Pennsylvania, and an alumnus of the NYU Tisch School of Arts, he has appeared in several short films and television movies before his feature film debut in Rabbit Hole (2010). He had supporting roles in Footloose (2011) and Project X (2012) before earning critical acclaim for his leading role as Sutter Keely in The Spectacular Now (2013), for which he was nominated for the

Miles Teller
(Source: TMDB)
Birth Date / Birthday1987-02-20
People Also Call[‘마일즈 텔러’, ‘迈尔斯·特勒’]
Best Known ForActing
Birth PlaceDowningtown, Pennsylvania, USA

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Miles Teller Biography Details

Miles Teller is an actor who has starred in a number of films, including The Spectacular Now, Whiplash and War Dogs. He is also the upcoming film The Riches and made his acting debut in Rabbit Hole in 2010. Teller was nominated for a Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role in Whiplash.

Some Interesting Facts About Miles Teller

Frequently Asked Questions About Miles Teller

Here is the list of some FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) with Answers. Please go through it to get a better idea about the person (Miles Teller). If you still have any queries then feel free to ask us in the comment section below.

1. What is the Miles Teller net worth?

Answer: Miles Teller is an American actor who has a net worth of $12 million, and is most known for his roles in the films “The Spectacular Now”, “Whiplash” and “War Dogs”.

2. How old is Miles Teller?

Answer: Miles Teller is an American actor who has been in the entertainment industry since 2004 and is currently 32 years old.

3. What is Miles Teller’s ethnicity?

Answer: Miles Teller is an American actor whose ethnicity is Caucasian.

4. What is Miles Teller’s height?

Answer: Miles Teller is an American actor who has starred in many films including The Spectacular Now, Whiplash and War Dogs.

5. What is Miles Teller’s real name?

Answer: Miles Alexander Teller is an American actor, born in Downingtown, Pennsylvania and a graduate of NYU’s Tisch School of Arts, who also appeared in several off-the-road productions before his cinema debut in Rabbit Hole (2010), and went on to write the commercially successful Divergent (2014) and its sequels, Insurgent (2015) and Allegiant (2016), as well as in Whiplash (2014), Get a Job (2016), Bleed for This (2016), War

6. What movies has Miles Teller been in?

Answer: Miles Teller is an actor who has appeared in a number of films. Some of his most notable roles have been in the films The Spectacular Now, Whiplash, Divergent and The Fantastic Four. Teller is an actor who has a great range and is able to play a variety of different types of characters. He is a very talented actor who is sure to have a long and successful career in Hollywood.

7. What is Miles Teller’s next movie?

Answer: The next movie Miles Teller is currently unknown.

8. What tv shows has Miles Teller been in?

Answer: Miles Teller has appeared in a number of television shows over the years, including The Riches, The Spectacular Now and The Divergent Series – Allegiant. Teller has been in each of these shows and has displayed his talent for acting.

9. Where did Miles Teller go to college?

Answer: Miles Teller attended college at the Tisch School of the Arts at New York University.

10. What is Miles Teller’s zodiac sign?

Answer: The zodiac sign of Miles Teller is Virgo.

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