It is very common to download PDFs. Further, you can download them through various browsers available. In addition, you can use them anywhere you want. Generally, any of the browsers open the PDF file in the window before downloading. Moreover, it is a feature of theirs by default. You can download the PDFs instead of previewing them. It is possible with changing the settings. But, many users don’t know ‘How to Download PDFs Instead of Previewing Them in Chrome, Firefox, and Edge?’. No need to worry at all. We are present here for you. We are providing here detailed information regarding the same. You should apply it to our system. We have also covered the articles on ‘How To Remove All Saved Passwords at once in Chrome, Firefox, and Edge Browser‘ & ‘How to Sync Tabs between Different Browsers‘. Thus, let’s have a look at ‘How to Download PDFs Instead of Previewing Them in Chrome, Firefox, and Edge?’.
Table of Contents
How to Download PDFs Instead of Previewing Them in Chrome, Firefox, and Edge?
PDF stands for Portable Document Format. So, this is a very useful document format for users. You can perform any operation on these files easily. So, it becomes essential to know about ‘How to Download PDFs Instead of Previewing Them in Chrome, Firefox, and Edge?’. We assure you that this data will help you in many ways. You will satisfy with this comprehensive data. On the other side, you should prepare yourself to grab this golden opportunity. Thus, let’s start this amazing journey of information.
Methods Used to Download PDFs Instead of Previewing Them
There are various methods available for this operation depending upon the browser. So, we are providing here information about Chrome, Firefox, and Edge browsers.
Method – 1 ) Download PDFs Instead of Previewing Them in Google Chrome
There is a certain process available for this purpose in Google Chrome. You need to follow the steps given below.
1 ) Select the ‘Settings’ Option
First of all, open your Google Chrome browser window. Then, click on the ‘3-verticle dots’ option. Then, choose the ‘Settings’ option from the list.

2 ) Choose the ‘Privacy & security’ Option
After that, choose the ‘Privacy & security’ option available on the left-hand side of the window.

4 ) Select the ‘Site Settings’ Option
Moving ahead, click on the ‘Site Settings’ option available on the right-hand side of the window displayed. So, click on that to proceed further.

5 ) Click on the ‘Additional content settings’ Option
Further, scroll down till you get the ‘Additional content settings’ option. Thus, click on that.

6 ) Select the ‘PDF documents’ Option
Below that option, there are various option fields available. So, choose the ‘PDF documents’ option from the enlisted options.

7 ) Enabling Phase
Now, you should enable the ‘Download PDF files instead of automatically opening them in Chrome’ option. Do it simply by switching it to the ‘ON’ state.

Thus, you can use this process for Google Chrome.
Method – 2 ) For Microsoft Edge
Similar to Google Chrome, there is a process for Microsoft Edge. you just follow the steps below to do so.
1 ) Select the ‘Settings’ Option
Open the Edge browser. Then, click on the ‘3-horizontal dots’ symbol in the right-side corner of the window. Then, select the ‘Settings’ option.

2 ) Choose the ‘Cookies & site permissions’ Option
Moving ahead, go for the ‘Cookies & site permissions’ option. It is available on the left-hand side of the window.

3 ) Select the ‘PDF documents’ Option
Then, click on the ‘PDF documents’ option available on the right-hand side of the cookies option.

4 ) Enabling Phase
Then, turn on the ‘Always download PDF files’ option. Simply toggle it to the ‘ON’ state.

Thus, this is the process for Microsoft Edge.
Method – 3 ) For Firefox
For the Firefox browser, there is also a process to follow. You should go through the steps below.
1 ) Select the ‘Options’ Option
Open the Firefox browser. Click on the ‘3-horizontal lines’ symbol on the right side of the window. Then, click on the ‘Options’ option.

2 ) Select the ‘General’ Segment
Choose the ‘General’ segment available on the left-hand side of the screen.

3 ) Select the ‘Save File’ Option
Click on the ‘Portable Document Format (PDF)’ option. Then, click on the ‘Save File’ option from the various options in the next box.

Thus, this is the process for Firefox.
In this way, following the above-mentioned methods, you can download PDFs instead of previewing them in Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.