Windows 10 operating system is very efficient. It provides many features. Further, you can have better outcomes with this. In addition, it gives many useful benefits. There is a feature of Cortana in this system. Moreover, it works on voice commands. You can use it for various purposes. Sometimes, you feel the need to disable it. Windows itself doesn’t allow to do this. But, there is a remedy available for this. Many users don’t have an idea about ‘How to Disable Cortana in Windows 10?’. It is not the point of the issue. We are ready to help you with that. This will give you positive output. Thus, let’s have a look at ‘How to Disable Cortana in Windows 10?’.
Table of Contents
How to Disable Cortana in Windows 10?
Cortana works similar to Google Assistant. So, it is fully based on the voice commands you give. Thus, you can save time & energy with this application. If you want to disable it, then it is possible. You can use the Windows Registry or Group Policy Editor for this. We are delivering here a tutorial on ‘How to Disable Cortana in Windows 10?’. You can use this comprehensive data for your system also. On the other end, prepare yourself to grab his golden opportunity. Let’s start this beautiful journey of information.
Methods Used to Disable Cortana in Windows 10
There are various methods available to complete this operation. We are providing here some of them with the steps for you.
Method – 1 ) Making Use of Registry Editor
You can make use of Windows Registry Editor for this purpose. You need to follow the steps given below to do so.
1 ) Open the ‘Run Window’
As a first step, you should open the run window. So, press the ‘Windows key + R’ together.

2 ) Add the Command
After that, add the ‘Regedit’ command in the specified box. Then, click on the ‘OK’ button available on the downward side of the window.

3 ) Create a ‘Windows Search’ Key
In addition to the above step, follow the path ‘HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows’ to reach the ‘Windows’ key. Then, right-click on that & select the ‘Key’ option followed by the ‘New’ option. So, name it the ‘Windows Search’ key.

4 ) Create the ‘AllowCortana’ Value
Further, right-click on the ‘Windows Search option. Then, choose the ‘DWORD (32-bit) Value’ followed by the ‘New’ option. Thus, name that value ‘AllowCortana’.

5 ) Providing the ‘Value data’
Double-click the newly created ‘AllowCortana’ value. Then, a pop-up window will appear. Here put the value ‘0’ in the ‘Value data box. Then, click on the ‘OK’ button on the downward side of the window.

Thus, you can go this way.
Method – 2 ) Making Use of Group Policy Editor
You can use the Group Policy Editor for this purpose. So, follow the steps provided below to do so.
1 ) Open ‘Run Window’
You should open the run window by pressing the ‘Windows key + R’ together. Thus, it will show the window as below.

2 ) Add the Command
Now, you should add the ‘gpedit. msc’ command in the box provided. Then, click on the ‘OK’ button on the downward side of the box.

3 ) Choose the ‘Allow Cortana’ Option
In addition, you should move up to the ‘Allow Cortana’ option on the right-hand side of the window. Then, double-click on that option to proceed ahead.

4 ) Disabling Phase
At this moment, a window will appear. So, choose the ‘Disabled’ option from the left-hand side of the window. Then, click on the ‘OK’ button on the downward side of the box. By doing so, Cortana will be disabled.

Thus, you can go for this technique also.
In his way, following the above-mentioned methods, you can disable Cortana in Windows 10.