Vijaya Diagnostic Centre Limited IPO

Vijaya Diagnostic Centre Limited IPO Details, Financials, Subscription Status, GMP & More.

Vijaya Diagnostic Centre Limited Logo
Vijaya Diagnostic Centre Limited IPO Details & Company Portfolio / Business Model: Established in 1981, Vijaya Diagnostic Centre is one of the fastest-growing diagnostic chains in Southern India. The company offers a one-stop solution for pathology and radiology testing services. The company offers around 740 routine tests, 870 specialized pathology tests, 220 basic tests, and 320 advanced radiology tests. The company also offers a broad spectrum of customized health and wellness packages to its customers.
You can even check more Vijaya Diagnostic Centre Limited IPO’s latest news from this portal. Our mission is to keep you up to date on Upcoming IPO information.

Vijaya Diagnostic IPO Details

IPO Opening Date Sep 1, 2021
IPO Closing Date Sep 3, 2021
Type Of Issue Book Built Issue IPO
Current Face Value ₹1 per equity share
IPO Price ₹522 to ₹531 per equity share
Market Lot Size 28 Shares
Minimum Order Quantity 28 Shares
Will Be Listed At BSE, NSE
Issue Size 35,688,064 Eq Shares of ₹1
(aggregating up to ₹1,895.04 Cr)
Offer for Sale 35,688,064 Eq Shares of ₹1
(aggregating up to ₹1,895.04 Cr)
Employee Discount 52

Vijaya Diagnostic Centre Limited IPO Prospectus

This information shows all information about Vijaya Diagnostic Centre Limited IPO. You can check more detailed information like company registrar information of this IPO and more information about the IPO lot size from this page itself.

Company Financial Reports

Summary of financial Information (Restated Consolidated)

Year/Period (₹ in million)
31-Mar-21 31-Mar-20 31-Mar-19
Total Assets 5,409.40 4,822.56 4,064.30
Total Revenue 3,885.93 3,541.82 3,029.44
Profit After Tax 849.11 625.07 462.72

With the help of the above table, you can figure out company performance over the last few years. You can identify if the company is making profits or losses.

Vijaya Diagnostic IPO Timetable

The Vijaya Diagnostic IPO open date is Sep 1, 2021, and the close date is Sep 3, 2021. The issue may list on Sep 14, 2021.

IPO Open Date Sep 1, 2021
IPO Close Date Sep 3, 2021
Basis of Allotment Date Sep 8, 2021
Initiation of Refunds Sep 9, 2021
The credit of Shares to Demat Account Sep 13, 2021
IPO Listing Date Sep 14, 2021

This table is helpful as it provides you the complete information about the upcoming IPO’s lot size, several shares, and the minimum amount required to apply for this IPO.

Vijaya Diagnostic IPO Lot Size

The Vijaya Diagnostic IPO market lot size is 28 shares. A retail-individual investor can apply for up to 13 lots (364 shares or ₹193,284).

Application Lots Shares Amount (Cut-off)
Minimum 1 28 ₹14,868
Maximum 13 364 ₹193,284

Company Promoters & Holding

Dr. S. Surendranath Reddy is the promoter of the company.

Company Promoters play a vital role in any company’s success. That’s you need a clear idea about who are the promoters behind this company. You can even check the names given below for a better idea.

Company Registrar & Address

Vijaya Diagnostic IPO Registrar:

KFin Technologies Limited
Phone: 04067162222, 04079611000
Email: [email protected]

You can also check the company contact information given below, with the help of this information you can communicate with the company easily.

Company Contact Information:

Vijaya Diagnostic Centre Limited
3-6-16 & 17, Street No. 19, Himayatnagar
Hyderabad, 500 029

Phone: +91 40 2342 0411
Email: [email protected]

This is the complete information about the Vijaya Diagnostic Centre Limited IPO. If you have any queries/questions regarding any information provided above then feel free to contact us anytime or leave a comment below.

Vijaya Diagnostic Centre Limited IPO Subscription Status (Final Data)

Category Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
QIB 0.23x 0.32x 13.07x
NII 0.01x 0.05x 1.31x
RII 0.46x 0.74x 1.09x
EMP 0.24x 0.52x 0.98x
Total 0.30x 0.47x 4.54x

Vijaya Diagnostic Centre Limited IPO Subscription Status will be updated in the table regularly. Keep visiting this page to get daily latest IPO subscription updates. If this table is not updated then you can request the updates by commenting below. (Updated Frequently)

GMP (Grey Market Premium)

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