Katherine LaNasa Interesting Facts, Age, Biography & FAQ

Katherine LaNasa Interesting Facts: Katherine LaNasa Is Also Known As [‘凯瑟琳·拉·纳莎’].

LaNasa was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, daughter of Anne (née Hardin) and Dr. James J. LaNasa, Jr. LaNasa started dancing at age 12 and graduated from the North Carolina School of Arts in Winston-Salem, North Carolina at age 14. After an apprenticeship with Milwaukee Ballet, LaNasa danced with the Salt Lake City Ballet West and the Karole Armitage Ballet.

Katherine LaNasa
(Source: TMDB)
Birth Date / Birthday1966-12-01
People Also Call[‘凯瑟琳·拉·纳莎’]
Best Known ForActing
Birth PlaceNew Orleans, Louisiana, USA

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Katherine LaNasa Biography Details

Katherine LaNasa is an American actress, dancer and choreographer, known for her roles in Jerry Maguire’s film The Campaign and Jayne Mansfield’s car and also appeared on television series such as Three Rivers, The Mentalist and Deception.

Some Interesting Facts About Katherine LaNasa

Frequently Asked Questions About Katherine LaNasa

Here is the list of some FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) with Answers. Please go through it to get a better idea about the person (Katherine LaNasa). If you still have any queries then feel free to ask us in the comment section below.

1. What is Katherine LaNasa’s background?

Answer: Katherine LaNasa was born on December 1, 1966 in New Orleans, Louisiana and is of Italian, Irish and English descent. She made her music video debut in the 1988 comedy film Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, and has also appeared in the films Batman Forever (1995 ), Jerry Maguire (1996), The Wedding Planner (2001 ) and Jayne.

2. What is Katherine LaNasa’s ethnicity?

Answer: Katherine LaNasa is of French and Irish descent.

3. What is Katherine LaNasa’s age?

Answer: Katherine LaNasa is an American actress and choreographer, born December 1, 1966, and has had a long and successful career in both film and television, having played in several popular films such as The Wedding Planner (2001) and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (2001). LaNasa has also had recurring roles in several television shows such as Three’s Company (1977), NYPD Blue (1993) and Devious Maids (2013).

4. What is Katherine LaNasa’s height?

Answer: Katherine LaNasa is 5’6″ tall.

5. What is Katherine LaNasa’s weight?

Answer: Katherine LaNasa is an American actress and choreographer best known for her roles in the films The Campaign, Django Unchained and The Longest Ride. LaNasa also had recurring roles on television series Two and a Half Men, How I Met Your Mother and United States of Tara.

6. What is Katherine LaNasa’s net worth?

Answer: Katherine LaNasa is an American actress, dancer and choreographer whose net worth is $3 million. She is best known for her roles in the films The Campaign (2012), Jayne Mansfield’s Car (2012) and The Art of Getting By (2011) and has also appeared in the television series Two and a Half Men (2003-2004 ), Dirty Sexy Money (2007-2008) and Deception (2013).

7. What is Katherine LaNasa’s husband’s name?

Answer: Katherine LaNasa is married to Actress Grant Show.

8. What is Katherine LaNasa’s children’s names?

Answer: Katherine LaNasa is the name of the children Jackson and Ava.

9. What is Katherine LaNasa’s favorite food?

Answer: Katherine LaNasa’s favorite food is sushi, she loves the freshness of the fish and the rice, and she enjoys the variety of sushi, from the simple Nigiri to the more elaborate rolls.

10. What is Katherine LaNasa’s favorite color?

Answer: Katherine LaNasa’s favorite color is green.

11. Who is Katherine LaNasa?

Answer: Katherine LaNasa is an American actress, dancer and choreographer who is known for her roles in the films The Campaign (2012), Django Unchained (2012) and The Dictator (2012), as well as in the television series Two and a Half Men (2003–2004 ), Big Love (2006–2011 ) and Deception (2013).

12. What is Katherine LaNasa known for?

Answer: Katherine LaNasa is an American actress, dancer and choreographer who is known for her roles in the films The Campaign (2012), Jayne Mansfield’s car (2012) and The Dictator (2012), and also in the three-year TV series Three Rivers (2009), The Mentalist (2010), and Deception (2013).

13. How old is Katherine LaNasa?

Answer: Katherine LaNasa is an American actress, dancer and choreographer known for her roles in the films The Campaign (2012), Jayne Mansfield’s Car (2012) and The Art of Getting By (2011).

14. Where is Katherine LaNasa from?

Answer: Katherine LaNasa is from Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

15. What is Katherine LaNasa’s ethnicity?

Answer: Katherine LaNasa is of French descent.

16. What is Katherine LaNasa’s net worth?

Answer: Katherine LaNasa is an American actress, dancer and choreographer with a net worth of $4 million and is best known for her roles in films The Campaign (2012), Jayne Mansfield’s Car (2012), and Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017).

17. What is Katherine LaNasa’s height?

Answer: Katherine LaNasa is 5’6″

18. Who is Katherine LaNasa’s husband?

Answer: Katherine LaNasa is married to the actor Grant Show and has been married since 2012 and has two children together.

19. How many children does Katherine LaNasa have?

Answer: Katherine LaNasa has two children.

20. What is Katherine LaNasa’s zodiac sign?

Answer: The zodiac sign of Katherine LaNasa is Sagittarius.