Gary Coleman Interesting Facts, Age, Biography & FAQ

Gary Coleman Interesting Facts: Gary Coleman Is Also Known As [].

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Gary Coleman
(Source: TMDB)
Birth Date / Birthday1968-02-08
People Also Call[]
Best Known ForActing
Death Date2010-05-28
Birth PlaceZion, Illinois, USA

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Gary Coleman Biography Details

Gary Coleman was an American actor, comedian and writer, most known for his role as Arnold Jackson in the television series Diff’rent Strokes. He began his acting career at the age of 10 when he was cast in Diff’rent Strokes, which was a hit and Coleman was a household name until 1986, when he was fired for his difficult behavior. His life was often turbulent but he will be remembered as a talented actor who brought joy to millions of people.

Some Interesting Facts About Gary Coleman

Frequently Asked Questions About Gary Coleman

Here is the list of some FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) with Answers. Please go through it to get a better idea about the person (Gary Coleman). If you still have any queries then feel free to ask us in the comment section below.

1. What is Gary Coleman’s net worth?

Answer: Gary Coleman’s net worth is estimated at $75 thousand. The former child star best known for his role on the sitcom, “Diff’rent Strokes,” has struggled in recent years with financial problems. In 2010, he filed bankruptcy and was ordered to pay a $72,000 for a former employee. In 2012 he was arrested for failing to pay a $1,500 judgment for a woman he hit with his car.

2. How tall is Gary Coleman?

Answer: Gary Coleman was 4 feet 8 inches tall.

3. What is Gary Coleman’s ethnicity?

Answer: Gary Coleman was an American actor and comedian, best known for his role as Arnold Jackson in the Diff’rent Strokes television series, of African American, Native American and European descent.

4. What was Gary Coleman’s cause of death?

Answer: Gary Coleman’s cause of death was renal failure.

5. How old was Gary Coleman when he died?

Answer: Gary Coleman died at age 42 when he died.

6. Who were Gary Coleman’s parents?

Answer: Gary Coleman was the parents of both African American, his father, Willie Coleman, was a construction worker and his mother, Mabel Coleman, was a housewife and Gary was their only child.

7. What was Gary Coleman’s most famous role?

Answer: Gary Coleman’s most famous role was in the 1972 sitcom Diff’rent Strokes, in which he played the main character, a young boy from poor background who is taken up by a wealthy white family. Coleman was nominated for four Emmy Awards for his performance on the show.

8. What TV shows did Gary Coleman star in?

Answer: Gary Coleman is best known for his starring role in the television sitcom Diff’est Strokes which aired from 1978 to 1986 on NBC, was a huge success, and made Coleman a household name, appeared in a number of made-for-TV films and guest starred on numerous TV shows, and later had roles in the films The Kid, The Glass House, and Yes Man.

9. How many movies did Gary Coleman make?

Answer: He made a total of 10 movies during his life : he first started acting in 1976 with the film “The Bad News Bears.” He then performed in films like “The Kid from Nowhere”, “The Gary Coleman Show,” “On the Right Track” and “The Other Side of the Mountain Part II.” His last film was “Dance! Workout with Barbie”

10. What was Gary Coleman’s first movie?

Answer: Gary Coleman’s first movie was “On the Right Track”, a comedy about a young man who tries to save his father’s failing business. Coleman’s character was a small but pivotal role in the film and he would appear in more movies and television shows but “On the Right Track” was his first entry into the entertainment industry.

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